Hexo3 setup
This is a deployment in MAC, but the most parts are also fit for Windows and Linux
Install homebrew
(This is a package manager of the OSX, which would be familiared if you ever used linux like Ubuntu)
Install brew cask
(It’s a binary package manger)
Install nodejs and git with brew cask
Install hexo3
Change the theme
Recommend the Jacman, you can get details in his documents.
Configure the _config.yml
This is the configure file of hexo which locate in the root directory of blog fold
You need to modificate these two below
Extensions and Plugins
As default, Hexo3 doesn’t have Git and RSS plugins, so try these two commands below to install them
For more plugins, go to this site
Write and publish your articles
You can write articles in markdown editor(recommend Macdown or Sublime Text3) and put them in blog/source/_posts fold
You can use these commands below to preview or publish
If you get the erro like “Cannot find module ‘./build/default/DTraceProviderBindings’”, try
You can find more other detailes in This